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HomeJoin the League

Our storied history and reputation of nonpartisanship make us a powerful and respected citizen organization in the eyes of the public and lawmakers.

If you have questions about membership that aren’t answered below, or if you would like to request financial assistance with dues payments, call us at 856-438-0182 or email us at To find out more about what we do, check out the How to Volunteer page.

  • Sharpens skills in leadership, public speaking, lobbying, and research; experience you can use in your professional life and in other organizations
  • First look at the monthly e-Newsletter with League news, and first notice of events and volunteer opportunities
  • Access to LWV New Jersey and LWV US resources including tool kits, training, and a network of local Leagues
  • Participation in state or local committees, working groups, and advisory groups
  • Moderator training and certification to lead local candidate forums
  • Voting privileges, first dibs on volunteer opportunities, and inclusion in membership directory

  • Full voting membership is available to individuals 16 years of age and older (younger people can join as associate members)
  • Membership in LWV New Jersey and LWV United States is included
  • Regular membership is $60 after the first year - only $5 per month!
    • First-year membership dues are $25
    • "Young Leaguers" under 35 years-old pay $35 per year
    • Student members join for only $10 per year
  • Membership year runs July 1 – June 30
  • Family/household membership is available: each additional member is half price ($30/year)
  • Support is available if you need assistance in paying dues; contact
New Member Signup


Phone 856-438-0182

League of Women Voters of Camden County (NJ)

P. O. Box 245

Voorhees, NJ 08043-0245